How Much Bitcoin Does El Salvador Have?

Entity Country # of BTC Value Today % of 21m
El Salvador 5,748.76 5748.76 0.027%

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How Much Bitcoin Does El Salvador Own?

El Salvador currently owns 5,748.76 bitcoins. The country is constantly buying, and adds more bitcoins to its holdings every so often.

What is El Salvador's Average Bitcoin Price on Purchases?

As of July 21, 2022, El Salvador has purchased 2,381 bitcoins at an average price of $43,357 USD.

The country announced that it now owns 5,748.76 BTC in May 2024. El Salvador has stated they accuire BTC through daily purchases and mining.

Here is the purchases history for the publicly known buys:

BitcoinsCost per BitcoinTotal Invested
June 30, 202280$19,000$1,520,000.00
May 9, 2022500$30,744$15,372,000
Jan 21, 2022410$36,585$15,000,000
Dec 21, 202121$49,220$1,033,620
Dec 3, 2021150$48,670$7,300,500
Nov 26, 2021100$54,815$5,481,500
Oct 27, 2021420$60,622$25,461,240
Sept 19, 2021150$42,843$6,426,450
Sept 7, 2021150$46,091$6,913,650
Sept 6, 2021400$46,811$18,724,400

According to the president, El Salvador has never sold any BTC.

Why Did El Salvador Buy Bitcoin?

El Salvador's president Bukele recently tweeted:

Bitcoin is the future!

El Salvador is currently very reliant on the US Dollar and seems intent on branching out to alternative forms of currency. Only 29% of the country has a bank account. Using Bitcoin allows nearly every citizen to have a digital form of payment without the need for a bank account.

What is the El Salvador Bitcoin Bond?

El Salvador planned to launch a bond based around Bitcoin. However, it's delayed and has not launched yet.

What's the Bitcoin Price in El Salvador?

The price of Bitcoin in El Salvador can be checked here.

el salvador bitcoin

Total of Bitcoins Owned by Entities

Category # of BTC Value Today % of 21m
ETFs 1106673.5559 1106673.5559 5.27%
Countries 539181.76 539181.76 2.568%
Public Companies 329189.1 329189.1 1.568%
Private Companies 525474.2 525474.2 2.502%
BTC Mining Companies 52539.4 52539.4 0.25%
Defi 155986 155986 0.743%

Learn More About Other Entities Owning Bitcoin

Entity Country # of BTC Value Today
17,831 17831.23
11,030.0 11030.026
6,844 6844.0
1,317.0 1317.027
7,282 7282.18
8,877.5 8877.51
38,728.8 38728.79
49,223.0 49223.04
181,061.0 181060.97
338,128.5 338128.5551
200,000 200000
5,748.76 5748.76
271,212.2 271212.2467
9,084 9084
9,109 9109
75,354 75354
8,100 8100
9,000 9000
20,000 20000
8,027 8027
9,720 9720

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